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 Мадара Учиха

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2 posters
Заместник лидер на Акацки
Заместник лидер на Акацки

Брой мнения : 37
Join date : 13.12.2008
Age : 29

Мадара Учиха Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Мадара Учиха   Мадара Учиха Icon_minitimeСъб Дек 13, 2008 6:47 pm

Име: Мадара Учиха
-Name of Jutsu-
Sharingan - Copying Wheel Eye

-Name of Jutsu-
Dochuu Eigyo - Underground Fish Projection

-Name of Jutsu-
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Shadow Clone Technique

-Name of Jutsu-
Hiru Banshô: Bôka no Jutsu - Leech All Creation: Attack Prevention
-Name of Jutsu-
Raiton: Usui Shuurai Juugan - Lightning Release: Weak Lightning Strike Bullet.
-Name of Jutsu-
Raiton: Kei Shuurai Juugan - Lightning Release: Strong Lightning Strike Bullet
-Description of Jutsu-
Tobi forms five hand seals and points his arm at his target. He then shoots a bolt of lightning from his arm that can fry the human body. It has a high piercing capabilities, able to shoot through trees, rocks, other solid substances, chakra reinforced defenses made out of those things, and even move onward to it's target. Tobi developed this Jutsu while he made the weaker version. Tobi needed this Jutsu so he could end his foe's life quickly, if needed. It has the same speed as lightning, and added procession with Tobi's Sharingan and strength in Ninjutsu.

-Name of Jutsu-
Doton: Doryuu Heki - Earth Release: Earth Style Wall

-Name of Jutsu-
Akatsuki Astral Projection Technique (Unnamed)
-Description of Jutsu-
This unnamed astral projection technique is used by Akatsuki to gather at one location, even while members are in different parts of the world. By forming the needed handseal, an astral form of their being will appear at the desired location. This spirit can act in conjunction with other members to do combination jutsu like the Genryuu Kyuu Fuujin. While in the spirit form, the member’s voice will sound deep and distorted.

-Name of Jutsu-
Doryuhiken no Jutsu - Art of Earth Reading
-Description of Jutsu-
Doryuhiken is a skill that uses no handseals, but enables the user to read the Earth and feel things almost miles away. It's usually used as a early warning system, and is Iwa's answer to their own cloaking Jutsu.
(Copied from Izanagi. Doesn't count toward Jutsu count.)

-Name of Jutsu-
Tsuchi Moujuu No Jutsu - Art of Earth Beast
-Description of Jutsu-
An advanced form of Tsuchi Bunshin, this creates a number of animals, from large Birds, to large Wolves, creating the ground to mimic Animal forms and abilities. It's useful when attacking and fleeing, seeing as one could fly away on a complex bird-like creation.
(Copied from Hishioto. Doesn't count toward Jutsu count.)

-Name of Jutsu-
Naraku Korede no Jutsu – Hell is Here Technique
-Description of Jutsu-
This makes Tobi’s opponent see many random things. First, they will think that the ground has opened up and they are now falling to their doom. They will fall and land on millions of spikes, passing out. By this time a Genin would go into coma. Then, they reawake and find them selves strapped to rock and many demons are stabbing them with pikes. By this time, a Chuunin would be in a coma. Then, the worst is to come. They will see the devil him self emerge, being thousands of feet tall. He will breathe fire on them, and do sinful (i.e rape.) things to them. By this time… many Jounin would be in coma but not all of them. Then, the devil will do one last thing, eat them. This will send them down crushing pipes, and into a pool of acids, killing them, or so they think. Though, the damage is not real, the pain is and any body who is in this long enough will go into coma. Only needs hand seals if the person is not looking at Tobi, if they are looking at Tobi, he doesn't need hand seals.

-Name of Jutsu-
Temae Ikimono no Jutsu – You are an Animal Technique
-Description of Jutsu-
Tobi can make his opponent think he or she think they are any animal (Bunny, Butterfly, etc) he wants them to think they are. Like this, it is very hard for them to break out of it unless they have a friend use Kai on them. They will act like the animal and even try to do the things the animal does, like fly for example. They also feel the characteristics of the animal, like fur, feathers, sharp teeth, their image, their smell, their sight, is all altered by what animal he makes them think they are. They don't actually change, but the person under the Genjutsu thinks it has. This Genjutsu affects the whole area, except Tobi’s friends. Only needs hand seals if the person is not looking at Tobi, if they are looking at Tobi, he doesn't need hand seals.

-Name of Jutsu-
Naze Temae Dekata no Jutsu – How do you move Technique
-Description of Jutsu-
This Genjutsu is more effective then the Body Bind Skill [Kanashibari no Jutsu]. This will make the opponent think that they can’t move at all. The only things they can do are control chakra and have weak breathing. After thirty minutes if they don’t deactivate the Genjutsu, it will have permanent damage to their mind, making them slower doing every thing for the rest of their lives. Only needs hand seals if the person is not looking at Tobi, if they are looking at Tobi, he doesn't need hand seals.

-Name of Jutsu-
Donna Ninjutsu no Jutsu – What is Ninjutsu Technique
-Description of Jutsu-
Tobi can make this Genjutsu makes the opponent for get what Ninjutsu is. The opponent will not be able to do it any more, nor will they be able to see it, hear it, or smell it happening by any body. This also allows Tobi to do sever Genjutsu, but they will know what Genjutsu is and be able to break through it with their mind if the have the ability too. This is not for ever, but only till it is dispelled by some one with Kai, and a high enough Genjutsu level. Only needs hand seals if the person is not looking at Tobi, if they are looking at Tobi, he doesn't need hand seals.

-Name of Jutsu-
Donna Genjutsu no Jutsu – What is Genjutsu Technique
-Description of Jutsu-
Tobi can make his opponent forget what Genjutsu is. This Genjutsu can only be broken out of if the person has a good understanding of how Genjutsu works, (10 point difference). They can't use Genjutsu, or defend them selves from it. Using this Genjutsu, Tobi can freely use other Genjutsu on his opponent. Only needs hand seals if the person is not looking at Tobi, if they are looking at Tobi, he doesn't need hand seals.

-Name of Jutsu-
Waga Zetsumei no Jutsu - My Death Technique
-Description of Jutsu-
This Genjutsu can work when the opponent looks at Tobi. When this happens Tobi can make his opponent see an illusion that causes them to attack Tobi (Tobi needs no hand seals, but needs them to be looking at Tobi). They will use their strongest attack and kill Tobi. All though, this is not Tobi, but an illusion that it is. The person can go there whole life thinking it is Tobi, till some one tells them that they did not. If they try to take his head, the will even think they have picked it up, same for his whole body. Tobi, also makes him self invisible unsmellable, unhearable, and unfellable to the person under the Genjutsu. Tobi does not use a hand seal, but needs them to be looking at Tobi. He can also use this Genjutsu when some one has already produced a strong attack, he will use this and run away. This Genjutsu affects the whole area, allowing for many people in the area to think that Tobi has been killed by the person that Tobi has targeted, even his friends.

-Name of Jutsu-
Omoi Terepo-to no Jutsu – Mind Teleport Technique
-Description of Jutsu-
Omoi Terepo-to no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique that makes the user will disappear, and stay that way. They also can not be heard or smelled. The person in the Genjutsu that is caught will believe that Tobi is now with in their mind, and messing with it. They will soon forget who they are, where they are, and even the most basic things like how to breathe and eat. If they are in this Genjutsu long enough (30 min), they effects will be permanent. Tobi can activate this when they look at his mask, with out hand seals, or with hand seals and not at his mask.

-Name of Jutsu-
Kire Kakyaku no Jutsu - Chopped Legs Technique
-Description of Jutsu-
Kire Kakyaku no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique that allows the caster to place a Genjutsu on some one running. Once casted the person will see Tobi appear right in front of them and chop of their legs with a Zanbatou. Though, its only an illusion, the pain is real but the damage is not. Once the see their legs cut of the will stumble and fall to the ground not being able to use them.

-Name of Jutsu-
Kokohi no Jutsu - False Place Technique
-Description of Jutsu-
Kokohi no Jutsu is a simple Genjutsu technique which changes the appearance of a nearby object. Tobi doesn't need hand seals for this Jutsu.

Kokuangyou no Jutsu - Journey into Black Darkness Technique

Meimu: Gisoumikataikko - Illusion: Camouflage Ally and Self

Инфо:Мадара Учиха прекарва ранните години от живота си в непрестанно съперничество с по-младия си брат. Равни във всяко едно отношение, двамата непрекъснато тренират, за да надминат другия. Така те се сдобиват с Мангекю Шаринган. Заедно те поемат контрола над клана Учиха, като Мадара става техен водач. Въпреки че го прави много по-силен, накрая Мангекю Шаринганът остава Мадара сляп.Той бил единственият който можел да се противопоставя на Хаширама от кланът Сенджу (I хокаге), затова той трябвало да продължи да се бие.По-малкият му брат се съгласил да даде очите си за да възвърне зрението му.Така той получава перфектният Мангекю Шаринган.Като страничен ефект от това Мадара се сдобива с безсмъртие.С тази новооткрита сила той става известен като най-силният шиноби в света, като завладява и поглъща всеки клан, който се изпречи на пътя му.

В крайна сметка кланът на Мадара се обединява с клана на бъдещия Първи Хокаге, което води до образуването на Селото скрито в Листата (Коноха). Мадара и Първият водят спор за това как да управляват Коноха, който довежда до битката им в Долината на Края. Мадара губи битката и е изгонен от Коноха. След поражението си той създава Акатски, за да може да действа в сенките. Като член на Акатски използва псевдонима Тоби(възможно е и да е Убито Учиха) . Итачи казва на Саске, че Мадара използвал своя Мангекю Шаринган, за да накара Деветоопашатата лисица да нападне Коноха, но въпреки това тя е победена от Минато Намиказе, ала самият Мадара отрича това. Разполагайки само с част от предишната си сила, Мадара се завръща в Коноха, обучава Итачи Учиха и му помага да избие всички останали членове на клана, с изключение на по-малкия брат на Итачи, Саске Учиха.

Мадара Учиха 25283314
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Лидер на Акацки
Лидер на Акацки

Брой мнения : 765
Join date : 12.12.2008
Age : 31
Местожителство : България,Русе :)

Мадара Учиха Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Мадара Учиха   Мадара Учиха Icon_minitimeСъб Дек 13, 2008 6:48 pm

Одобрен си и бъди редовен. Слагам ти ранга Лидер на Акацки прочети правилата на Акацки Wink
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